Exhibition “The Manifesto”

APRIL 12 – APRIL 20, 2024

NotAGallery is pleased to present “The Manifesto,” Alexander Dik’s first solo exhibition at NotAGallery.

In the exhibition “The Manifesto,” Alexander Dik showcases an explosive vision of art that fights against the sluggish structure of the art world. His creations are a rebellion against sterile complacency, a vote for exploring extremes to find a new center through this intensity. Inspired by the unwritten rules once challenged by a German giant of the art scene, Alexander breaks the chains of narrative to reshape them—an unrelenting effort to reveal the essence of what art is capable of in our time.

By shattering categorized thinking, Alexander positions himself against the pull of the market, which threatens to devour art. His works are frontal attacks on established narratives—from the environmental crisis to the extremes of political ideologies—while simultaneously raising deep-rooted questions about our existence. Alexander refuses to regurgitate what he is told. He digs deeper to uncover the roots of societal problems, in contrast to those who willingly swallow what is fed to them.

With this critical questioning of norms, Alexander seeks answers to the burning questions of our society—answers that sometimes consciously remain as question marks. His artistic dialogue is marked by the urgency of direct action, moving away from hesitant reflection. For Alexander, the creative act is an immediate encounter, where hesitation and over-analysis dry up the seeds of something new and innovative.

“The Manifesto” is therefore an urgent appeal and the embodiment of Alexander’s firm belief in the power of art to initiate social change. This exhibition challenges the viewer to venture beyond the visible and search for meaning in the depths—a call to arms for art that transforms, provokes, and redefines.

“The Manifesto” stands as a passionate call for art that does not settle for the surface but penetrates to the core of society. It is a commitment to art that not only asks questions but also challenges the fundamental structures of our world—a call that compels us to reassess and perhaps even reshape the world around us.

NotAGallery invites you to the vernissage of the exhibition on Friday, April 12, 2024. Take the opportunity to explore the art exhibition together with the artist and other art enthusiasts.

Friday, April 12, 2024 | 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Register here to join the guest list.

Potsdamer Str. 124
10783 Berlin

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